


  • 公司: 蓝海兴业工程机械有限公司
  • 地址: 中国·武汉武昌区徐东二路2号水岸星城2单元302 生产基地:湖南省常德市
  • 联系: 彭文
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 027-86706247
  • 一键开店


该集团公司通过多年的努力已经取得了稳步发展,通过建立长期,稳定和广泛的合作与东南亚和中东的客户建立了营销网络。该集团公司的主要产品包括各种类型的单头搅拌桩机和多头搅拌桩机、各种类型的履带式凿岩台车、各种型号的静压桩机、各种类型的锤击桩机、各种类型的复合桩机、各种类型的螺旋桩机、各种类型的SMW工法的连续墙钻孔机、各种类型的旋挖钻机、各种类型的泥浆泵、沙浆泵、以及各种类型的水、钻杆、钻头、钻具、建筑材料。还经营各种类型的纺织机械和纺织品等,我们还可以根据不同客户的要求和特点,设计不同的产品来满足客户的不用要求,我们可以为客户提供专业的服务。经过长时间的艰苦努力,我们集团公司有自己的生产基地,可以按照客户需求生产出优质的产品。并且和很多国内的知名企业建立了良好的合作关系。如果你想获取产品信息,欢迎访问我们的网站。请告诉我们您的需要,我们将及时与您联系。 我们真诚地希望,我们能够建立长期友好的业务和合作关系。




Wuhan Zhonglian Trade Co., Ltd. and Lanhai Xingye Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. formed a group company. The group company is a hi-tech company engages in foreign trade and manufacturing pile driving machine and relative construction machine. The company main business scope is R&D, manufacturing, sale and export of internationally needed pile driving machines and construction. Quality is the companys life, and honesty is the companys tenet.

After years of hard work, the group has established stable, extensive and long-term networks with customers in Southeast Asian and Middle East. The groups principal products include various kinds of single-[[[head]]] and multi-[[[head]]]s deep soil methed mixing pile machine, track drilling jumbo, static pressure pile machine, hammer pile machine, complex pile machine, screw pile machine, diaphragm wall drill machine for SMW method, rotatory drill machine, slurry pump, mortar pump, tap, drill rod, drill [[[head]]], drill tool, construction material as well as textile machine and textile. We have our own production base, and can provide professional and customized design and high quality products to meet different needs. We have long-term cooperation with many domestic famous enterprises. If you are interested, please visit our website. Tell us what you need, and we will contact you in the first time. We truly hope we could establish long-term business relationship with you.

The groups products is leading in domestic industry because of advanced science and technology and design capacity. The group is expert in pile machine and has over twenty years of experiences. The first mixing pile machine is developed by the group. And she has greatly pushed the development of mixing pile machine in China.

Our products have been exported to Singapore, Korea, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and so on, and have earned praises from builders in these countries.



  • 主营: 武汉工程机械供应,武汉纺织机械销售,武汉多头搅拌桩机
  • 地址: 中国·武汉武昌区徐东二路2号水岸星城2单元302 生产基地:湖南省常德市
  • 联系: 彭文
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 027-86706247
  • 传真: 027-86706311
  • 本站共被浏览过 120173 次

